Get Better with DerivedResults
By focusing on patients and physicians, DerivedResults brings free market principles and destructive innovation to a failed healthcare paradigm.
Fixing a Broken System
The current system fails to recognize the basic needs of patients and physicains, and the existing medical software options are unintuitive and burdensome. DerivedResults has an intuitive interface and empowers physicians with all the necessary tools.
Integrate Care
Patient education, engagement, and follow-up appointments are integrated and tracked across separate facilities.
Diagnosis Driven
Incentivize physicians to quickly and correctly identify each patient’s condition based on diagnosis driven results.
Intuitive Software
Software design and functionality makes sense to users and is customized for patients, physicians and administrators.
Cut Costs, Improve Outcomes
There is a ridiculous amount of red tape in the healthcare industry. DerivedResults changes the game by cutting out the middle man, bundling costs and tracking patient spending. Patients pay less for better results.
It Begins and Ends with You
Rather than attempting to fix the old model that’s only objective is to sustain itself, DerivedResults flips the script by creating a brand new model focused solely on the people that matter most… patients and physicians.
DerivedResults Turns the Whole System on its Head
Created by physicians for physicians, Derived Results unleashes talent, fosters communication, coordinates expertise, and incentivizes quality, producing ever-improving outcomes and best practices. Improving lives, saving billions.
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
– Albert Einstein